
Defecation disorders, fecal incontinence, often associated to urinary and genital dysfunction, represent symptoms of a large number of functional and structural alterations of pelvic floor. They can be evaluated by functional and morphologic tests. A perfect anatomic and functional knowledge of the anorectum and pelvic floor is indispensable for a correct diagnostic and therapeutic path. Incontinence due to sphincter lesions can be diagnosed only by imaging techniques. In defecation disorders the issue is complex because functional and anatomic alterations can coexist. The radiological diagnosis of dyssynergic defecation is a diagnosis of confidence that enhances its value when manometric and electromyographic evidence of pelvic dyssynergia are detected. When anatomical alterations are detected the aim is to understand their physiopathology, to make a more precise diagnosis and treatment, and to minimize the errors of an inappropriate therapy. Our attention is focused on the information provided by imaging techniques about anorectum and pelvic floor abnormalities for optimal therapeutic planning.

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