
An approximate solution, based on the method of dynamic programming, is provided for the optimal control of a system of nonlinear structural equations in econometrics with unknown parameters using a quadratic loss function. It generalizes the methods previously proposed by the author for the control of a nonlinear econometric model with constant parameters and of a linear econometric model with uncertain parameters. It is an improvement over the method of certainty equivalence which replaces the unknown parameters by their mathematical expectations and utilizes the solution for the resulting model. Since the solution is given in the form of feedback control equations, many of the useful concepts and techniques developed in the theory of optimal feedback control for linear systems are now applicable to the control of nonlinear systems using the method proposed, including the calculation of the expected loss of the system under control by analytical rather than Monte Carlo techniques. IN THIS PAPER, I present an approximate solution to the optimal control of a system of nonlinear structural equations using a quadratic welfare loss function when the parameters of the system are unknown. This is a generalization of ths solution given in Chapter 12 of Chow [2] for the control of nonlinear econometric systems with known parameters. It is also a generalization of the solution given in Chow [1] for the control of linear econometric systems with unknown parameters. The method of dynamic programming is applied to solve an optimal control problem involving a nonlinear econometric system with unknown parameters. As it turns out, the solution amounts to linearizing the nonlinear model about some nearly optimal control solution path and then applying a method for controlling the resulting linear model with uncertain parameters. This paper advances the state of the art in the control of nonlinear econometric systems as it improves upon the certainty-equivalence solution which is obtained by replacing the random parameters in a system by their mathematical expectations. It provides for a set of numerical feedback control equations based on a system of nonlinear structural equations in econometrics. It will show that many useful analytical concepts and tools developed in the theory of control of linear systems are indeed applicable to the control of nonlinear systems. Furthermore, in the derivation of an approximate solution using the method of dynamic programming, it will indicate precisely where the approximation takes place and why an exact solution is difficult to achieve. In Section 2, we set up the control problem and provide an exact solution to the optimal control problem for the last period. In Section 3, we give an approximate solution to the multiperiod control problem using dynamic programming. In Section 4, the mathematical expectations required in the solution of Section 3

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