
The study of the heritage and works of the great ancestors who lived on the territory of Mawarannahr, who made a significant contribution to the development of Islamic sciences and culture is seen as one of the fundamental points in the self-identification of young independent states in the post-Soviet period. These works not only can help in the education of the younger rising generation but also serve as an excellent factual and practical material for confronting religious radicalism. The purpose of the article is to show how rich is the legacy of the great scientists of Mawarannahr. It can be used not only in the study of Islamic sciences but also in countering the new modern threats. It may serve as an adequate response to religious extremism. The article shows what role the scientists of Mawarannahr played in the development of Islamic culture and sciences. We used primary sources and secondary research by the scientists of the 20th - early 21st centuries. The comparative historical evidence is taken based on the methodology including the systematization according to chronology. The article attempts to show the importance of the contribution made by the peoples of Mawarannahr to the development of Islamic sciences and culture. There also paid particular attention to the main works of the ulema and scientists, who are the standard-bearers of Islamic sciences and Muslim culture. There reviewed the entry of the Arabs into the region and their subsequent activities critically and as objectively as possible. The paper also attempts to analyze the importance of the activities of medieval scientists concerning today and the conclusions are given

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