
Through this research, we attempt to uncover the true situation of housing in the rural areas of the provinceand the effective means to rejuvenate it. We also examine the current status of this sector according to policy models and programs applied to it, aimed at developing this sensitive aspect in order to achieve population distribution balance and eliminate overcrowding in cities while revitalizing neglected regions. The province of Bouira is primarily characterized by its agricultural and pastoral nature, thanks to the distinctive features that define it. Given the necessity of developing rural areas, especially those rich in significant natural and human resources, to promote the housing sector in rural areas practically and seriously, Bouiraprovince stands out. We wanted to study this region because of its great importance, as it belongs to the high plateaus, a vital and extensive area around which the future of development in Algeria revolves. It is one of the regions that has received state attention in the field of rural housing through the First Five-Year Plan (2005- 2009) and the Second Five-Year Plan (2010-2014). It has become one of the attractive rural areas for residents, serving as a link between coastal areas and the high plateau region

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