
The personality of the athlete is capitalized by the totality of his psychic, physical and functional qualities and functions as a biopsychosocial model of the set of internal and external factors, which has a meaning of adaptation to sports training efforts, in the integrity of its dynamic-energetic aspects, at the physical-material level, emotional, mental, energetic, transcendental and spiritual. Sports training is based to a large extent on the quality of the indices of physical training factors, technical, functional, psychological, etc. Based on the control of the body's reaction to effort, new models of sports training are planned. The theory and practice of sports training also needs to supplement the knowledge of notions, ideas, information of the contribution of psychic energy and biological energy to streamlining the quality of bio-psycho-electromagnetic parameters of the athlete to create a model of athlete with higher energy potential. The model of a performance athlete consists of specific cellular models with integrative electrical characteristics. In bioenergy, the term "integration" is used to describe the magnetic movement in the body from the head (psychic energy), the trunk to the lower limbs (biological energy), and vice versa without blocking, forming a bio-psycho-electromagnetic circuit. Psychic energy is a state of consciousness, of energy challenge, including alpha waves in the posterior brain. Stimulates energy centers for overcoming the mental state, consciousness, cultivating emotional intelligence, energy ability, etc. Biological energy stimulates the meridians of the internal organs, the energetic harmony of the neuromuscular system of the arms and lower limbs. Based on special research, the structure of the interaction of human energy was developed, forming an algorithm of harmony between the groups of psychic energy and biological energy. There were 5 (five) levels of electromagnetic energy potential: high, medium high, medium, minimum and very low with variations in the value of the electric field component from - 0.116 to 2.998 quanta depending on time.

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