
This article gives a description of the typical features of construction experience and the system of heating for the indigenous people of the Chukotka Administrative District, Russia. Construction and dimensional–spatial characteristics of portable framework structures – yarangas – are described. Attention is given to the organization of the indoor space of the dwelling and traditional use of the space. The article describes the principles of heating and creating favourable climatic conditions inside the dwelling. The author gives the results of laboratory tests of the thermal shield resistance of insulation walling of a yaranga and the results of experimental studies on the indoor temperature of the air in the conditions of normal use of the structure. Experimental laboratory and field studies permitted the calculation of the theoretical thermal–technical model of a yaranga and determine the heat loss by the indoor and outdoor insulating structures. Based on the experimental data received, a theoretical calculation of heat losses of the structure is performed that proves the energy effectiveness of the two-step system of heating of a yaranga, suggesting using a similar scheme in the practice of designing modern residential settlements of the Far North.

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