
Purpose: The study aimed to assess the contribution of Conservation agriculture on Environmental protection in Rwanda: case of Kayonza District. Materials and Methods: The study reviewed different studies related to Conservation agriculture and Environmental protection and used qualitative and quantitative approaches. The Data were collected using a questionnaire and face-to-face interview on Sample composed by 404 Respondents from Kayonza district. The data collected and analyzed by using Distributive statistics. Findings: The study indicated that CA techniques are contributing in environmental protection and there is a relationship between adopting Conservation Agriculture (CA) techniques and environmental protection. The decrease in organic matter content and high soil erosion are affecting soil fertility and health and one of the main causes of global warming is also intensive chemical fertilization of agricultural crops. In contrast, CA techniques combine minimum soil disturbance, mulching, water holding capacity, reduce soil compaction, reduce soil erosion and improve soil fertility and application of organic fertilizers and re use of crop residues, Study have shown that farmers who adopt CA experience the improvement and there improve. The study underscores the importance of adopting CA techniques to reduce the cost and protect environment. Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: By adopting CA practices, farmers can contribute to the protection of natural resources, conservation of biodiversity, and mitigation of climate change while maintaining agricultural productivity by promoting sustainable land management practices that conserve soil, water, and biodiversity, mitigate climate change impacts, and reduce environmental degradation associated with conventional agricultural practices. But not all small holder farmers involved in implementing all CA techniques due to different factors, NGOs and Government can collaborate to develop subsidies, grants, and funding programs specifically aimed to promote conservation agriculture. By adopting CA techniques, agriculture in the next decade will have to sustainably produce more food from less land through more efficient use of natural resources and with minimal impact on the environment in order to meet growing population demands.

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