
Article1 July 1936THE CONTINUOUS METHOD OF TREATMENT OF EARLY SYPHILISJOSEPH EARLE MOORE, M.D.JOSEPH EARLE MOORE, M.D.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Informationhttps://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-10-1-30 SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptIf early syphilis is properly treated, late syphilis will almost, even if not quite, disappear. That early syphilis is not being properly treated is obvious from the fact that late syphilis is not disappearing. On the contrary, in every urban American community syphilis heads the list of reportable communicable diseases, and of the cases reported, more than half are late cases.1The proper treatment of early syphilis is of importance from three standpoints: that of the individual patient; that of the public health; and that of the public expense. The individual patient requires proper treatment in order to accomplish "cure"...Bibliography1. USILTON LJ: Trend of syphilis and gonorrhea in United States based on treated cases, Ven. Dis. Inform., 1935, xvi, 147-164. Google Scholar2. MOORE JE: The modern treatment of syphilis, 1933, C. C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill. Google Scholar3. STOKESCOLE JHHN: Cutaneous and mucosal relapse in early syphilis and its differentiation from reinfection, Ven. Dis. Inform., 1931, xii, 55-66. Ibid., and others: Coöperative clinical studies in the treatment of syphilis; early syphilis, Ven. Dis. Inform., 1932, xiii, 135, 165, 207, 253. Ibid.: Standard treatment procedures in early syphilis; a resumé of modern principles, Ven. Dis. Inform., 1934, xv, 149. Ibid., and others: What treatment in early syphilis accomplishes, Ven. Dis. Inform., 1934, xv, 341-363. Google Scholar4. THOMPSONBRUMFIELDCALDWELL WCWAL: The cost of syphilis in a representative American city, Am. Jr. Syph., Gon. and Ven. Dis. (To be published.) Google Scholar5. MOOREKEIDEL JEA: The treatment of early syphilis; a plan of treatment for routine use, Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1926, xxxix, 1-15. Google Scholar6. MOOREKEMP JEJE: The treatment of early syphilis; clinical results in 402 patients, Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1926, xxxix, 16-35. Google Scholar This content is PDF only. To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: Baltimore, Maryland*Presented at the Detroit meeting of the American College of Physicians, March 3, 1936.From the Syphilis Division of the Medical Clinic, the Johns Hopkins Hospital. PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics 1 July 1936Volume 10, Issue 1Page: 30-42KeywordsHospitalsPatientsPrevention, policy, and public healthSyphilis ePublished: 1 December 2008 Issue Published: 1 July 1936 PDF downloadLoading ...

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