
THE CONTINUING WAR by James I. Robertson, Jr. How t? broaden and cultivate an interest in the Cfvü War by America 's school children has been one of the most chaUenging aspects of the Centennial. No agency connected widi tins hundredth anniversary can deny diat the desire to learn more about the war is widespread among the younger set. Centennial commissions, historical societies, archives, and museums are continuaUy pommeled by letters from countiess teenagers requesting information on the Civil War. Because no one has been able to supply material that adequately fulfills diese requests, an increased appreciation of American history by many of these young students has been frustrated. Several months ago, the U.S. Civü War Centennial Commission went into action to correct this glaring gap. Staff members queried educators, administrators, even students tiiemselves, on what would best satisfy die demands of students and, at die same time, generate a greater quest for knowledge about die Civil War. An amazing unanimity of opinion prevaüed. The Commission then began work in earnest. At its Sixtii National Assembly, held last montii in Boston, the Commission announced die result of its labors: a handbook-guide to die Civil War written expressly for teen-agers. In the booklet are short sections on the major aspects of the war: causes, campaigns, navies, diplomacy, leaders, common soldiers, arms, etc. Suggested readings foUow each section. Dozens of illustrations have been obtained from the Library of Congress and odier depositories. Several features have been added to assist the student in furthering his own knowledge. The text itself was prepared by tiiis writer, as executive director of die National Commission. It has been checked carefuUy for accuracy and objectivity by an editorial board composed of scholars, school principals, and social studies teachers. The booklet wül be ready for nationwide distribution witiiin a few weeks. Parents and students who desire copies may write the U.S. Civil War Centennial Commission, 700 Jackson Place, N.W., Washington 25, D.C. The Commission feels that, in many respects, tiiis handbook may be its most profound contribution to die study of American history. 203 204JAMES I. ROBERTSON, JR. The National Commission has also published anodier short study diat should enjoy wide distribution. Entided Our Women of the Sixties, it is a summary of the contributions made during wartime by women North and Soudi. Füled widi ülustrations and excerpts from letters and diaries, tiiis pubUcation tells grapbicaUy of many feats performed by die so-caUed fairer sex. Two weU-known writers contributed their services as co-authors: Sylvia G. L. Dannett (Noble Women of the North, She Rode with the Generals) and Katiiarine M. Jones (Heroines of Dixie, Ladies of Richmond). Copies of Our Women of the Sixties may be obtained widiout charge from die Commission. Time, Inc., recendy announced production of a new history of die United States. The first of twelve volumes has already been published. Each book wül contain from 160 to 176 pages, widi many ülustrations. Two volumes wül cover die 1850-1876 period; botii wül be written by T. Harry Williams of Louisiana State University. . . . The Southern Historical Association has published a cumulative index to Volumes I tiirough XX of the Journal of Southern History. Copies may be ordered from die Association, University of Kentucky, Lexington. ... R. Gerald McMurtry of die Lincoln National Life Foundation, Fort Wayne, Indiana , is die autiior of a new study, Beardless Portraits of Abraham Lincoln . This work should have appeal to die ever-growing corps of Lmcolnites . Among Louisiana State University Press's spring releases are two new Civil War books: The Stonewall Brigade, by myself, and The Civil War in Louisiana, by John D. Winters. . . . Miss Virginia Hale (218 Lee Street, Front Royal, Virginia ) announces the pubUcation of two pamphlets treating of local history in the VaUey. The Battle of Front Royal, May 23, 1862, is a booklet issued under the auspices of the Warren County Civil War Centennial Commission, and Memories in Marble concerns the four Confederate monuments at Front Royal. Both paperbacks are avaüable at a nominal cost. . . . Gerry S. Harris ( 123 Edgebrook Drive, Batde Creek, Michigan) is seeking manuscript material on the...

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