
For Collectors Only EDITED BY RALPH G. NEWMAN 18 East Chestnut Street Chicago 11, Illinois in dr. freeman's "confederate book shelf" he includes a category of books under die heading, "Interesting Narratives by Women." The Soutìi enjoys a virtual monopoly of books of this type. While die North undoubtedly had many cultured and literate women who could write well, Mrs. John C. Fremont and Mrs. John A. Logan are almost die only two who come to mind. In diis concluding installment of "Union Book Shelf" your editor includes die few narratives by women as part of die general listing. It was also tiiought best to include here some of die outstanding books relating to die causes of die Civil War. Anderson, Charles Carter, Fighting by Southern Federals. New York: The Neale Publishing Company, 1912. Andrews, J. Cutler, The North Reports the Civil War. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1955. Ballard, Colin R., The Military Genius of Abraham Lincoln. With a Preface by Fletcher Pratt. Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1952. BoYNTON, Charles B., The History of the Navy During the Rebellion. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1867-1868. Brtiton, Wiley, The Civil War on the Border. A Narrative of Operations in Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and the Indian Territory, during the years 1861-65 . . . New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1891-99. 2 volumes. Brooks, Noah, Washington in Lincoln's Time. New York: The Century Company, 1895. Cadwallader, Sylvanos, Three Years With Grant. Edited by Benjamin P. Thomas. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1955. 305 306RALPH G. NEWMAN Catton, Bruce, Mr. Lincoln's Army. Garden City: Doubleday & Company , 1951. — Glory Road. Garden City: Doubleday & Company, 1952. — A Stillness at Appomattox. Garden City: Doubleday & Company, 1953. Chadwick, French E., Causes of the Civil War, 1859-1861. New York and London: Harper & Brotiiers, 1906. Cole, Arthur C, The Irrepressible Conflict, 1850-1865. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1934. Craven, Avery, The Coming of the Civil War. New York: Charles Scribner 's Sons, 1942. Donald, David, editor, Divided We Fought. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1953. Fiske, John, The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1900. Fite, Emerson D., Social and Industrial Conditions in the North during the Civil War. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1910. Fox, William F., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 18611865 . Albany, N.Y.: Albany Publishing Company, 1889. Fremont, Jessie B., The Story of the Guard: A Chronicle of the War. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1863. Gosnell, H. Allen, Guns on the Western Waters: The Story of River Gunboats in the Civil War. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1949. Greeley, Horace, The American Conflict. Hartford: Case & Company, 1864-1866. 2 volumes. Hendrick, Burton J., Lincoln's War Cabinet. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1946. Hosmer, James Kendall, The Appeal to Arms. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1907. Hunt, Aurora, The Army of the Pacific. Its operations in California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, plains region, Mexico, etc. 1860-1866. Glendale: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1951. Hyman, Harold M., Era of the Oath. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1954. Leech, Margaret, Reveille in Washington. New York: Harper & Brothers , 1941. Livermore, Thomas L., Numbers and Losses in the Civil War in America, 1861-1865. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1900. Logan, Mrs. John A. [Mary Simmerson Cunningham Logan], Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913. Lonn, Ella, Foreigners in the Union Army and Navy. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1951. For Collectors Only307 Macartney, Clarence E., Lincoln and His Generals. Philadelphia: Dorrance and Company, 1925. McMaster, John B., A History of the People of the United States during Lincoln's Administration. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1927. Meneely, A. Howard, The War Department, 1861. New York: Columbia University Press, 1928. Meredith, Roy, Mr. Lincoln's Camera Man. New York: Charles Scribner 's Sons, 1946. MrERS, Earl Schenck, The Web of Victory: Grant at Vicksburg. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1955. Mutton, George Fort, Conflict: The American Civil War. New York: Coward-McCann, 1941. Mitchell, Joseph B., Decisive Battles of the Civil War. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1955. Monaghan...

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