
This article proposes a computer network security defense system model based on multisource big data, which makes the security of computer networks more complete because of the shortage of current computer network security defense systems. The current network security situation is analyzed, and the problems faced in the field of network security are pointed out; then, multisource big data is introduced, and the characteristics of the multisource big data model are analyzed. This article proposes an information system network security model, which formally describes the relationship between network behavior among nodes, security threats, network attacks, and defense capability of security devices in an information system. After that, a network security defense system measurement scheme is constructed based on hierarchical analysis, and quantitative indicators of defense effectiveness are defined in two dimensions: risk severity of security threats and defense response actions of security devices, which enables quantitative evaluation of the security defense system, and then identifies omissions and defects of the network security defense system. A defense system measurement and optimization system is designed based on the proposed network security system measurement and optimization scheme. The application analysis of the project is combined with the actual scenarios. Through the evaluation and optimization of the security defense system in the natural methods, it is proved that the network security defense system evaluation and optimization scheme proposed in this article has reasonableness and effectiveness in the actual application.

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