
The aim of research: Studing cariotype conducted cows of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breeds and installed corelation conection between cariotype instability and reproduction ability.
 Methods of research: Сytogenetic – analysis of metaphase plates, peripheral blood cells cows of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breeds, micronucleus test-reaction of the organism on mutagenic factors of different nature, zootechnical – analysis of reproductive properties of animals Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breeds, statistical.
 Research result: Cariotype analis of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breeds (30 heads) farm husbandry “Progress +” showed the following results: control of spontaneous mytagenesis in cows wich was reserch showing quantitative and structural chromosomal aberation. Quantative chromosomal aberationwas find as aneuploidy. Aneuploidy was equal to 7,4% which does not exceed the limits of spontaneous chromosomal variability(1,5–8,3%), what is normal for animals of milk production breeds. Cellular frequency with asynchronous difference centroid chromosomal areas i population of cows at husbandry “Progress +” was 1,05% and did not exceed the spontaneous cytogenetic variability characteristic for the species Bostaurus. The share of metaphase plates with structural chromosomal abnormalities (chromosomal breaks) 2,6% equal to the level of spontaneous chromosomal variability for cows (0,17–11,1%). Cellular cell with micro nucleus and dual core lymphocytes was within the spontaneous level, characteristic of mammals, which were kept in the absence of direct genotoxic effects and amounted to 3.7‰ and 2.3‰, respectively. To install associate conection between chromosomal abnormalities and the reproductive ability of the studied cows was carried out a correlation analysis. Received coefficient between dual-core lymphocytes and age 1 calving (r = -0,9585) indicates a negative correlation with the strength of communication according to the Student's criteria isreliable at P > 0.99.
 Conclusions: Quantitative chromosomal aberrations (aneuploidy) were 7.4% which does not exceed the limit of spontaneous chromosomal variability, characteristic for animals breeds of milk production.
 The frequency of cells with asynchronous difference is established centroid chromosomal areas – 1,05% and a fraction of metaphase plates – 2,6% which corresponds to the level of spontaneous chromosomal variability in cattle.
 Detected сell frequency with micro nucleus and dual core lymphocytes which were within the spontaneous level, characteristic of mammals which are kept in the absence of direct genotoxic effects and amounted to 3.7‰ and 2.3‰.
 Was detected a negative correlation relationship between dual-core lymphocytes and age of the 1 calving (r = -0.9585, P > 0.99).



  • Частка метафазних пластинок із структурними порушеннями хромосом дорівнювала 2,6%, що відповідає рівню спонтанної хромосомної мінливості у великої рогатої худоби. (0,17-11,1%) [10]

  • Перспективи розвитку генеалогічної структури української чорно-рябої молочної породи / М

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THE CONNECTION OF THE KARIOTYPE AND REVERSING ABILITY COWS OF THE UKRAINIAN BLACK AND WHEAT DAIRY BREEDS N. In the research was conducted variability analysis o f the kariotype o f the Ukrainian Blackand-White dairy breeds. Метою нашої роботи було вивчення мінливості каріотипу корів української чорно-рябої молочної породи та встановлення кореляційного зв’язку між каріотиповою нестабільністю і відтворною здатністю. Цитогенетичний моніторинг проводили у корів укра­ їнської чорно-рябої молочної породи (30 гол.) господарства СТзОВ «Прогрес +» с.

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