
Subject/topic. The article presents an original assessment of the electric vehicle market development from the viewpoint of determining the advantages and costs of a potential buyer. Goal. The study aims to analyze the emerging electric vehicle market in Russia as a fuel-independent country with an environmental agenda for economic development. Methodology. A comparative analysis of combustion-engine car and electric vehicle according to the characteristics: a) environmental friendliness, b) cost-effectiveness, c) convenience in operation. Results. The authors present the results of calculations that confirm the environmental friendliness of the electric vehicle, but also the influence of the way of generating energy in the country can increase CO2 emissions. The price factor, fuel costs for a petrol car, and the cost of charging an electric vehicle with four board options were measured. The calculation of the operating costs of various types of vehicles and the analysis of usability, including access to charging, technical parameters, are presented. Conclusion. The main target groups of electric vehicle buyers have been identified, as well as the prospects for the development of the electric vehicle market in Russia, taking into account the state support and the need to modernize the energy industry.

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