
 Background. The article deals with the concepts heart and soul in the Ukrainian phraseological worldview. Despite the fact that there are a lot of studies dedicated to the problem of concept the topic of investigation is still of paramount relevance as the matter of concept is of great popularity these days. 
 Purpose of the research is to shed some light on the issue of the concepts and reveal the cognitive features of the concepts which are under research. The objectives of the research are to analyze the concepts heart and soul in the Ukrainian phraseological worldview, find out their distinctive cognitive features and reveal differences between cognitive features of the studied concepts.
 Methods. To reach the aim of the research the following methods were used: the descriptive method, the comparative analysis, the constructive method, the cognitive analysis.
 Results. The conducted investigation of the concepts heart and soul shows that both concepts heart and soul possess nine different cognitive features, which depict mostly different feelings and emotions a human being can have in some life situations: 1) character traits, human temperament; 2) feelings of anxiety, worry; 3) feelings of joy, happiness, elation; 4) feelings of sadness, grief, pity, sorrow, emotional suffering, torment; 5) feeling of indifference; 6) feeling of death; 7) feeling of fear or fright; 8) hospitality, generosity, sincerity; 9) feelings of love and affection. 
 Discussion. The concepts heart and soul verbalized by the phraseological units are widely used in the Ukrainian language and express a wide range of meanings, connected with the emotional and psychological state of a person and the qualitative and evaluative characteristics of a person, both positive and negative. The research proves that the concepts heart and soul verbalized by phraseological units play a leading role in the Ukrainian phraseology.
 Keywords: concept, heart, soul, phraseological unit, worldview, the Ukrainian language.

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