
Purpose: analysis of modern directions of physical culture education scientific and practical problems’ solution in higher educational establishment of health related orientation. Material: analysis of publications in scientific journals. Results: we have shown significance of student’s physical functioning as the basis of his motor, coordination and mental qualities’ development. Main difficulties of existing physical education practice have been cleared up. It has been found that prevailing training of physical qualities at physical culture classes does not solve the problem of students’ health strengthening. Ways to application of additional health related physical culture trainings have been shown. Transition to such trainings opens opportunities for creation a new concept, permits to effectively and relatively quickly implement its main ideas and principles in practice of HEE education. Conclusions: content of additional (health related) physical culture training envisages prevailing orientation on health related, general developing and sport-recreational tasks. With it first attention shall be paid to formation of physical, psychic and social-moral health as well as to personality-oriented approach in system of individual choice of physical culture means.


  • PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF STUDENTS solved the tasks of physical training

  • – scientific-methodic elucidation of physical education principle reflects constantly existing dilemma in determination of functional orientation of physical culture as academic discipline: what shall be of priority – biological or social development; accent on training of motor actions or cultivation of physical qualities; formation of demand in sport practicing or in independent practicing of physical culture;

  • The accumulated problems and contradictions of students’ nowadays’ education in the field of physical culture can not be solved only at the account of filling separate voids in existing system of physical education as well as they can not be solved by addition of new program material in discipline physical culture

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PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF STUDENTS solved the tasks of physical training. That is why by the present time a lot of scientific and practical problems have been accumulated:. – insufficiently developed age transition in students’ mastering physical culture values It determines orientation of practical methodic (first of all on “passport”, partially on “biological” but not on “social” age);. – academic programs for students are discontinuous and fragmentary by content They lack wholeness in its stage-by-stage mastering in different age periods; they are weakly oriented on development of cognitive and creative functioning of students;. – targeted orientation on students’ fulfillment of physical training normative pre-sets the structure and content of physical culture classes as trainings Such classes are characterized by the following: monotony of content, of used means and methods of pedagogic influence; increased volume of physical loads. Sometimes, it negatively impacts on students’ functional state;

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