
Aim. The aim of the research is: theoretical investigation of the problem of patriotism and its urgency, the empirical research for defining the level of perception of the concept “patriotism” by teenagers in Latvia.
 Methodology of the research. The theoretical basis of the research includes theoretical analysis of various conceptual approaches to understanding of the phenomenon of patriotism in the philosophical aspect, as well as official documents of the European Union and the Republic of Latvia: documents of the Republic of Latvia (the preamble to the main law of the Latvian Republic – the Constitution; National Development Plan of Latvia for 2014-2020; Guidelines for the Development of Education for 2014-2020; Guidelines on national identity, civil society and integration policy 2012-2018); documents of international organisations (United Nations International Children’s Fund; European Commission; the EU Strategy for Youth – Investing and Empowering; Universal Declaration of Human Rights). The Empirical methods of the research: methods of data acquisition: a questionnaire (anonymous); methods of data processing and analysis: quantitative data processing with methods of mathematical analysis of statistical data and forecasting analytical methods in data processing software Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) 18.0 version; qualitative data processing (analysis of the content, coding and processing of the acquired data); interpretation of quantitative and qualitative.
 Results. The theoretical analysis makes it possible to conclude that the main idea of the concept patriotism consists in considering it as one of the highest values of the individual and is the basis of life orientations, defining the strategy of the individual’s development, harmonisation of the society and the state. The main approaches for investigation of the concept of patriotism are: sensitively emotional, active and publically national.


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