
Problem setting. The analysis of the state of implementation of innovation law in Ukraine shows the problems caused by the lack of consolidation of the innovation law system at the legislative level, imperfect coordination of efforts of state bodies involved in this area, ineffectiveness of the system of control over law enforcement, and inconsistency in disclosing basic concepts of innovation law. The generalization of the research results testifies to the increased interest in identifying shortcomings and problems of formation and improvement of the innovation law system not only in Ukraine but also among scientists of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Moldova and other countries. The purpose of the article. In addition, pay attention to the lack of efficiency of certain provisions of the information base, which is designed to provide an innovative model of economic development of Ukraine. Presentation of the main research material. Based on a comparative analysis of the basic norms of innovation law of the CIS and Ukraine and the most common positions of Ukrainian scientists on ways to eliminate existing shortcomings, four areas of improving the national legal system in accordance with European standards. Conclusions and suggestions. In order to give the status of formality and obligation to implement by all law enforcement agencies “recommendations and conclusions” of scientific and practical conferences on innovation, embodied in the Concept of reforming innovation law “with its approval by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine. authorities and complete the work on the systematization of innovation law of Ukraine by adopting the Innovation Code.

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