
Currently, environmental education is of great importance in the system of vocational education and training, which is interpreted by the fact that effective social formation is determined by the awareness of the need to correct the existing state of the natural environment. The critical state of nature leads to an alarming state, rather than the state of the economy, politics, morality and culture of society. The vital activity of an individual contributes to the fundamental transformations of nature, including the entire biosphere as a whole. Natural ecological systems in most countries become unfavorable for human habitation, and also negatively affect it. Today there is a dominant need for the formation of a harmonious interaction of the individual with the natural environment. Liberation from a critical bioecological situation cannot arise automatically, by chance, it, as a rule, projects sufficiently responsible socio-economic, political and socio-legal measures from the position of society, as well as world restructuring in the spiritual and practical relations of man to the natural environment. The formation of an ecological culture based on universal norms and motives is understood as an internal condition of pedagogical education and upbringing. The way out of this problem requires significant dynamic restructuring in almost all elements of the modern education system and upbringing of the younger generation, which directly relates to the personality of the prospective teacher, since the ability of young people to part with the position of boundless attitude to the environment depends for the most part on his universal, including ecological culture. The development of the ecological culture of prospective specialists is a psychological and pedagogical process focused on the multiplication of ecological ideas, concepts of the interaction of professional and environmental behavior, the formation of bioecological values and motivation of readiness for environmental-oriented life in the professional sphere. The acquisition of the necessary effectiveness of the development of ecological culture of pedagogical university students creates a set of psychological and pedagogical conditions. Following many researchers, we consider the development of ecological culture to be the task of environmental education. In the presented paper, the pedagogical concept of the formation of the ecological culture of prospective teachers in the process of their education at a pedagogical university, based on the leading ideas of the concept of sustainable development and three key approaches desmoecological, synergetic and culturological, is formulated and well-substantiated.

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