
The article investigates the concept “information” and its elements in the general creative activity conception of the French writer Bernard Werber through the analysis of his original work “The Encyclopedia of Relative and Absolute Knowledge”, each short story represents a narrative, a recommendation, a principle, a formula from various fields of popular science. It is pointed out that the author presents some scientific data in a simplified way, other facts are given in a purely professional one, thereby Bernard Werber demonstrates his own competence in the fields of history, mathematics, biology, astronomy, etc., as well as journalistic skills. It is stated that such diverse correlations exist due to the writer's passion for science and history, personal life experience in these areas, and all this ultimately stimulates readers' thinking, which is the main goal of Werber's creative activity. The article explores the correlative plane, which combines data from many branches of science in a historical context, that generally forms an informative complex containing the issues about the history of tribes and peoples (Maya, Aztecs, Arabs, Chinese, etc.), their legends and beliefs (Atlanteans, the origin of a man, pyramids, etc.), wars (episodes of individual military stalemate), religions (conflicts between paganism and Christianity, the Inquisition, etc.), technology and architecture (erection and structure of historical monuments, temples), the natural world (features of physiology) people, ants, dinosaurs), games (particularly about chess combining psychological and historical components). “The Encyclopedia of Relative and Absolute Knowledge” also includes the facts about many historical figures who have made significant contributions to the study and formation of the general noosphere. It is concluded that the writer by providing an array of diverse information in “The Encyclopedia of Relative and Absolute Knowledge” gets the reader not only to be a recipient of ready knowledge, but also to set up new tasks that need to be solved, and the main one among them is life mission understanding.


  • In the humanitarian development of modern society, the correlation of information elements as a concept and elements of ethnic history, culture, as well as the definition and analysis of sources of such information, means of obtaining, storing and most importantly – use for human benefit

  • The most useful is the experience of the writer, who demonstrates certain knowledge and skills with appropriate terminology

  • At the same time the critical attitude is seen in a long-term archival research during which the writer finds information that corresponds to his concept, and studies the opposite versions

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In the humanitarian development of modern society, the correlation of information elements as a concept and elements of ethnic history, culture, as well as the definition and analysis of sources of such information, means of obtaining, storing and most importantly – use for human benefit. We suggest interpreting the stories described by him and commented on by us These stories are of a wide informative range – both from the life of particular countries, people and the world of animals, insects, as well as biological, mathematical, religious, and even culinary phenomena. In our opinion, this has a cognitive value for common readers, and for scientists who can make appropriate історичних пам’яток, храмів), живого світу (особливості фізіології людей, мурах, динозаврів), ігор (зокрема розповідається про шахи, що також сполучають психологічний та історичний складники). Що письменник через надання масиву різнобічної інформації в Енциклопедії примушує читача бути не лише реципієнтом готових знань, а й ставити перед собою нові запитання, на які потрібно знайти відповідь, і головним серед них є розуміння своєї місії в житті

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