
Globalization brings a world in which competition in the banking sector acquires newdimensions and features. The Romanian banking system made progress on the line of macrostabilization,corroborated with the bank efforts for consolidating their position on the domesticmarket. The emergence of new foreign bank societies on the Romanian market led to the assignmentof the banking system on a new corridor of performance, due to the intensification of competition andthe increase of offer for new complex bank services and products for the clients. This researchanalyses the dimension of competition made by the evolution of market quotations for banks andbranches of foreign banks in the last period. In order to face competition, banks activating on theRomanian market oriented themselves also towards the externalizing of some bank activities, whichare situated under the profitability limit for the bank total. Also, in order to deal with competitionbanks oriented towards the development of informatics systems.

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