
The purpose of this study was to examine the views of primary school teachers with negative and positive attitudes towards rubrics comparatively in terms of various variables. 292 teachers from 17 primary schools in Ankara province of Turkey participated into the study. The data obtained from the views of teachers with positive and negative attitudes towards rubrics were examined with figures. The findings indicated that the teachers with positive attitudes towards the rubrics benefited from the rubrics more than the teachers with negative attitudes when they were evaluating the achievement of the students in performance tasks. Both the teachers with positive and negative attitudes stated that they had knowledge about the rubrics and they used the course books while getting this information. Moreover, the teachers with negative attitudes consulted their colleagues more than the teachers with positive attitudes. It was observed that the teachers with positive attitudes prepared the rubrics themselves more often than the teachers with negative attitudes and they used the information obtained from the rubrics for “observing the development of students’ higher order thinking skills” and “observing to what extent the students used their knowledge and skills in real life situations”. The teachers with negative attitudes used the information obtained from the rubrics for “grading”.

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