
The thematic teleplay is an important part of carrying forward the mainstream social values and constructing the socialist core value system. In the era of new media, thematic TV dramas should learn to spread with the help of community power. First of all, thematic TV dramas can eliminate the distance between audiences and thematic TV dramas by means of short video platforms and opinion leaders to expand their influence. Secondly, participatory creation and extended discussion can activate the community, expand the content and deepen the theme of TV drama communication thought. The mainstreamed TV Series show the essential characteristics and essential laws of life, but also strongly advocate the spirit of The Times and national quality, promote mainstream social values.In 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of China, the tribute of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of China major revolutionary historical theme TV series "s awakening" the thought, the grand narrative, full of life fun, characters, details metaphor infectious audiences in spirit and culture with unique technique of visual feast, representative. In the era of communization, new forms of communication appear, with changes in audiences, communication methods, communication technologies, communication environments and situations. The communication of thematic TV dramas can no longer rely solely on its own strength and traditional communication methods. This paper takes The Age of Awakening as an example to study community communication to provide new viewing paths for audiences, expand the scope of communication and deepen the communication effect.

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