1 IntroductionInternationalisation of higher education creates scope for forming double degree studies, which simultaneously may raise the question of how to adjust English philology curricula to make the development of communicative skills of both foreign and native students most optimal. In reference to the above, it is postulated that a good starting point is to diagnose the communicative skills students have developed before they begin their studies. Nevertheless, the comparison of secondary school curricula of countries involved in cooperation does not seem sufficient. Due to cultural differences in terms of both verbal and non-verbal communication and existing divergences concerning teaching and learning methods, one should conduct research aimed at identifying the communicative identity of secondary schools of partner countries. This paper will be devoted to the case of Poland and the Polish high school. It will demonstrate selected aspects of the communicative identity of the closed public space in which the Polish high school is situated. Accordingly, this work will elaborate on the concept of space as the communicative environment of the Polish high school and portray the analysis of selected communicative processes held in the space of school corridors and classrooms, i.e. it will research into students' communication used during breaks and lessons.2 The concept of space in Polish high schools2.1 Space as a wide notionThe concept of space is an abstract notion which possesses an extremely broad scope. Additionally, it is a term of vital importance as space constitutes the environment in which human existence has been formed. Providing a plethora of aspects for analysis, the above concept constitutes an interesting research area for scholars representing a variety of diverse fields. Nevertheless, because of its complexity, it is exceedingly difficult to define. The subsequent paragraphs will present a brief sketch of different attitudes to space.2.2 Philosophical spacePhilosophical definitions of space originate from ancient times. Democritus, the creator of ancient atomism, perceives space as infinite void. The space exists totally independently of atoms that are viewed as real indivisible entities. Atoms therefore are solely immersed in space which possesses the status of absolute void (Berryman 2008, Jedrzejczyk 2004:74).The idea of absolute space is opposed by Aristotle. According to his philosophical approach, body motion occurs in relation to other bodies, whereas absolute void is unnecessary for body movement. In consequence, space constitutes the property of bodies corresponding to their extension. Aristotle narrows down the scope of space substituting the above term with the concept of place (Klich 2011:5, Jedrzejczyk 2004:77-78). Aristotelian place directly encompasses each particular object forming in this way a type of borderline, which designates the shape and size of the body (Jedrzejczyk 2004:103-105).In Kantian philosophical theories, space is viewed as an absolute phenomenon. Nevertheless, it is firmly dependent on the mind, i.e. space is subjectively constructed by people. Knowledge about space is acquired from perception. As a subjective reality, space shapes experience being simultaneously independent of it (space is provided before experience) (Kenny 2001: 194- 198, Jedrzejczyk 2004:76).The philosophical perspectives, therefore, perceive the position of man in space in different ways. As asserted by Jedrzejczyk (2004: 79), Democritus' theory viewed man as a mass that is subject to specified regularities (...) [translation mine, M.B.], whereas in Aristotelian and Kantian approaches people are creators of space. Additionally, Kant's ideas present man not only as a biological creature but first of all as a being shaped by cultural relations characteristic of a given environment.Additionally, the analysis of philosophical space may designate a number of connections with other scientific fields. …
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