Background/Aims:This article studies the effect of attrition in the cluster randomized crossover trial. The focus is on the two-treatment two-period AB/BA design where attrition occurs during the washout period. Attrition may occur at either the subject level or the cluster level. In the latter case, clusters drop out entirely and provide no measurements in the second period. Subject attrition can only occur in the cohort design, where each subject receives both treatments. Cluster attrition can also occur in the cross-sectional design, where different subjects are measured in the two time periods. Furthermore, this article explores two different strategies to account for potential levels of attrition: increasing sample size and replacing those subjects who drop out by others.Methods:The statistical model that takes into account the nesting of subjects within clusters, and the nesting of repeated measurements within subjects is presented. The effect of attrition is evaluated on the basis of the efficiency of the treatment effect estimator. Matrix algebra is used to derive the relation between efficiency, the degree of attrition, cluster size and the intraclass correlations: the within-cluster within-period correlation, the within-cluster between-period correlation and (in the case of a cohort design) the within-subject correlation. The methodology is implemented in two Shiny Apps.Results:Attrition in a cluster randomized crossover trial implies a loss of efficiency. Efficiency decreases with an increase of the attrition rate. The loss of efficiency due to attrition of subjects in a cohort design is largest for small number of subjects per cluster-period, but it may be repaired to a large degree by increasing the number of subjects per cluster-period or by replacing those subjects who drop out by others. Attrition of clusters results in a larger loss of efficiency, but this loss does not depend on the number of subjects per cluster-period. Repairing for this loss requires a large increase in the number of subjects per cluster-period. The methodology of this article is illustrated by an example on the effect of lavender scent on dental patients’ anxiety.Conclusion:This article provides the methodology of exploring the effect of attrition in cluster randomized crossover trials, and to repair for attrition. As such, it helps researchers plan their trial in an appropriate way and avoid underpowered trials. To use the methodology, prior estimates of the degree of attrition and intraclass correlation coefficients are needed. It is advocated that researchers clearly report the estimates of these quantities to help facilitate planning future trials.
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