
Aim. To conduct the cluster analysis of the results of an expert survey for the development of priority directions of informatization of logistics processes in the medical supply system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Materials and methods. To achieve the goal of the study, the analysis of foreign and domestic scientific sources and the current legal documents was conducted. The methods of information retrieval, systematization, content analysis and the technology of hierarchical agglomeration cluster analysis were used. Results and discussion. By clustering the results of an expert survey on informatization of logistic processes in the medical supply system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine the distribution into seven clusters formed due to similar answers to the questionnaire was obtained. The number of clusters was determined by the dendrogram construction program without any researcher’s assumptions. The cluster analysis showed stable cluster groupings with a certain level of tightness of relations between features both within a cluster and among several clusters. This corresponds to the vision of the experts who outlined the problem on the research topic and determine the ways to solve it. Conclusions. Based on the results of the analysis of the personal composition of each cluster, a sufficiently high level of consistency of the conclusions of experts of the medical supply system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the need for the introduction of informatization of logistics processes has been determined. Priority directions of informatization of logistic processes in the medical supply system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been developed; a decisive place in these directions belongs to the implementation of a program for automatic accounting of medical supplies in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The need for the introduction of modern software for decision-making support in the management of flow processes of providing medical supplies and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as information analytical tools for the needs of the Medical Supply Directorate of the Medical Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been substantiated.


  • Кластерний аналіз у розробленні пріоритетних напрямів інформатизації логістичних процесів у системі медичного постачання Збройних Сил України

  • Priority directions of informatization of logistic processes in the medical supply system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been developed; a decisive place in these directions belongs to the implementation of a program for automatic accounting of medical supplies in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

  • Nakaz Dyrektora Viyskovo-medychnoho departamentu Ministerstva oborony Ukrainy vid 12.12.2016 No 36 «Pro zatverdzhennia Kerivnytstva z orhanizatsii postachannia medychnoiu tekhnikoiu ta mainom Zbroinykh Syl Ukrainy u myrnyi chas»

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Materials and methods

To achieve the goal of the study, the analysis of foreign and domestic scientific sources and the current legal documents was conducted. The methods of information retrieval, systematization, content analysis and the technology of hierarchical agglomeration cluster analysis were used

Results and discussion
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