
The imaging studies and records of 65 patients with the cloacal malformation seen from 1969 to 1989 were reviewed. The malformations were described according to cloacal configuration (urethral, vaginal), type of urinary-cloacal communication (urethral, vesical), and level of rectal communication (vaginal, cloacal, vesical, other). Lower urinary tract abnormalities were frequent (reflux, ureteral ectopia, bladder diverticula, bladder duplication, urachal remnants, urethral duplication), as were genital abnormalities (uterine duplication, vaginal duplication, uterine atresia, vaginal atresia), abnormalities of the bony pelvis (partial sacral agenesis, pubic diastasis), and renal abnormalities (agenesis, obstruction, horseshoe kidney). Contrast material studies of the cloaca and the distal limb of the colostomy with fluoroscopy in various projections were essential for diagnosis. Voiding cystourethrography was important for detecting vesicoureteric reflux. Sonography was of limited value for evaluation of the malformation but was valuable for imaging the kidneys. MR imaging revealed that spinal cord abnormalities cannot be predicted based on the appearance of the lumbosacral spine and are more common than previously thought.

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