
Municipal structures and authorities seek to cover many aspects of the lives of citizens, organizations and enterprises with planning. This applies to the creation of favorable conditions for business (investment), housing, recreation areas (parks, squares), road construction, development of social infrastructure, solving environmental problems and so on. The authorities should take into account various economic and socio-demographic factors in their attempts to plan and effectively manage the solution of urban problems, first of all, taking into account the peculiarities of social stratification and territorial mobility of the population. The conclusion of Robert Park (in the work “The City”) about the socio-cultural heterogeneity of the city (especially large) retains its significance. It should be borne in mind that each urban group has its own culture, social composition and behaviour. It is important to ensure the harmonious interaction of all groups in the common interest. One of the aspects of the life of the city, which remains without sufficient attention, is the interaction of generations (generational groups) in the socio - cultural space of the city. Sociological facts show high importance for certain generational groups of both the same type and different problems that require attention from municipal (and state) management structures (as well as from business and public organizations). For example, the same type of problems for representatives of different generations are material (financial and economic)-job security and income. To varying degrees, the problems of health and treatment, leisure and communication (and loneliness), provision of own housing and others are relevant. Urban lifestyle, in contrast to rural, contributes to the weakening of blood ties, weakening of intergenerational relations in the family version. However, at the level of interpersonal and intercultural relations, the city does not cancel, but modifies intergenerational socio-cultural ties and exchanges. Within the framework of educational, labor and public organizations, the processes of intergenerational socio-cultural relations and exchanges manifest themselves and develop in the form of subcultures. Still H.W. Zorbaugh, analyzing the problem of “cities and communities” in the monograph “Golden coast and slum”, warned against excessive idealism in an effort to subordinate all any programs, management and stressed that the life of the local area has a natural organization that must be taken into account. It should be borne in mind that each city has its own history and certain unique features. Therefore, there are no universal urban planning and management solutions for the planning and development of all cities. In the work on the new appearance and structure of cities, an important place belongs not only to specialists in the field of architecture and urbanism, Economics and management, but also to the collective creativity of residents of different generational groups. Naturally, municipal (and state) bodies (as well as business and public organizations) can influence the solution of most problems only indirectly. These opportunities need to be used purposefully and fully. One of the goals in this process is to harmonize the interaction of generations (generational groups) in the socio-cultural space of the city.

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