Aim of the work was to establish the chronological and regional special features of the atria vascular system development of human fetuses. For this aim there were used the hearts of human fetuses from archive materials of medical department and city hospitals. Methods : Fixation and formation of mounts for further study were carried out according to recommendations [Yurin N.А., Radostin А.I., 1995]. After fixation there were carried out staining of proteins of smoothly muscular α-SMA actin markers and protein of Prox–1transcription factor, Ki-67cells proliferation marker, CD-34 endothelial marker. Using Image-Pro Plus The Proven Solution Version Windows 95/NT program on the microphotographies of atria histological sections there were separated with marker the vascular structures with further calculation of its absolute area that was then presented in percentage terms relative to the general area of histological section. Positively staining cells were calculated using Image-Pro Plus The Proven Solution Version Windows 95/NT program, the separation of vessels was carried out in manual mode then the relative area of vascular component presented in percentage terms was calculated in automatic mode. We also used morphological analysis of corrosive casts of atria vessels by the method of scanning electron microscopy in fetuses 33–40 weeks old. The photography of samples was done in the mode of secondary electron emission. Results : In fetal period of prenatal period of human ontogenesis the development of vascular bed is inseparably linked with morphogenesis of heart in whole and its parts. The general part of vascular component in human fetuses atria varied within 4,9–9,6 % during the considered period. Arterial and lymphatic links of atria vascular bed were determined separately in spite of topological proximity. The part of lymphatic link of atria vascular system had not reliable differences between the right and left atria till the 16 week of fetal period. Conclusions : An asynchronicity of the atria vascularization processes and topological difference of the vascular component in general and on its separate links established during the study are synchronized regularities of formation of definitive construction of the heart coronal vascular system
An asynchronicity of the atria vascularization processes and topological difference of the vascular component in general and on its separate links established during the study are synchronized regularities of formation of definitive construction of the heart coronal vascular system Keywords: embryo, immunohistochemistry, Prox-1, CD 34, α-SMA, Ki-67, scanning electron microscopy, the human heart, the atria
3. Встановлені в процесі дослідження асинхронність процесів васкулярізації передсердь, а також топологічна відмінність судинного компонента взагалі та за окремими його ланками, – все це синхронізовані закономірності становлення дефінітивної будови вінцевої судинної системи серця
9. Celebi, S., Köner, Ö., Menda, F., Omay, O., Günay, İ., Suzer, K., Cakar, N. В роботі розглянуті питання хронологічних та топологічних особливостей судинного русла у передсердях людини на етапах пренатального періоду онтогенезу.
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