AbstractOne of the main characteristics of sponges is their capacity for cell dedifferentiation. This capability can allow an impressive amount of asexual reproduction in these animals, because they are able to develop new individuals from just a few somatic cells. Studies of dedifferentiation, however, have focused mainly on sponges of the class Demospongiae. Therefore, we investigated here whether individuals of three different species of Calcarea are able to reconstitute new individuals following artificial fragmentation. We observed that fragmentation releases clumps of choanoderm able to initiate somatic embryogenesis. In Borojevia brasiliensis (asconoid aquiferous system, subclass Calcinea) and Paraleucilla magna (leuconoid aquiferous system, subclass Calcaronea), these clumps started to develop, but they did not pass through the first developmental phases. In Sycettusa hastifera (syconoid aquiferous system, subclass Calcaronea), the choanoderm was reorganized into primmorphs that fused to each other and formed an exopinacoderm. The first primmorphs’ spicules were triactines. Despite a large mortality rate, the primmorphs developed into olynthus stages. The somatic embryogenesis and the metamorphosis of the olynthus were similar to those observed during the sexual development of this and other calcareous sponge species. Our results show that in S. hastifera, and perhaps in other syconoid calcareous sponges, somatic embryogenesis occurs mainly from choanocytes, at least in vitro. However, primmorph development does not follow the same pattern observed in post‐metamorphic sexual development, as in that case diactines are always the first spicules to be synthesized in calcaronean species.
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