
'W~ )'HY should the student nurse study chemistry? Of what practical value will chemistry be to the graduate nurse in the practice of her profession? Does the present training in chemistry adequately provide for the needs of the nurse after graduation? If the present training in chemistry is not providing for those future needs of the nurse how shall the course of study be modified to meet the demands? The above questions are some which anyone interested in curriculum building might ask and attempt to answer in planning the revision of the course of study. The course of study in chemistry intended for use in hospital training schools should provide not only for the immediate needs of the student, but should also contribute something of value to the nurse in the period following her graduation. If it provides only a bird's-eye view of chemistry, as a science subject, or deals with the writing of formulae and equations, and an intensive review of the high school course in chemistry, then it may be regarded as being relatively unimportant. Coincident with the feeling of unrest and dissatisfaction which is so evident in the fields of elementary and secondary education at present in regard to the content of the curriculum, there are indications of a similar unrest in the more specialized schools about certain phases of the curriculum. It is the purpose of this paper to attempt an analysis of some of the factors which have contributed to the definition of the present course of study in chemistry as used in the nursing schools, and to suggest certain changes which may be made in content in order to provide for the twofold functioning of the chemistry course. Any proposed revision of the course of study must recognize the fact that the work must provide immediate information for the student nurse, and also contribute something that will be of value in the future.

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