
The paper assesses the status of the soil cover associated with the pollution of its waste chemical production and consumption. The authors present the data of formaldehyde and toluene influence on the abundance of actinomycetes, heterotrophic bacteria and fungi, as these groups of microorganisms provide self-purification capacity of the soil and participate in soil formation processes. In this paper microbiological and physico-chemical methods of research are used. The study of species composition changes of some soil microorganisms groups of leached chernozem under the influence of formaldehyde and toluene showed that this factor causes changes in the complex of soil microorganisms. This factor is reflected in the decreased species richness and diversity and increase of pollution-tolerant microorganisms. These studies investigate a number of microorganisms that provide self-purification capacity of the soil and participate in soil formation. The results show the nature of the influence of different doses of formaldehyde and toluene on the structure and functioning of the complex of soil microorganisms, as well as reveal the mechanism of action of chemicals (formaldehyde and toluene) on soil microbiota associated with its resistance and the manifestation of toxicity of the soil.


  • The main purpose of the reserve is to ensure the conservation of Zhiguli landscapes and forest-steppe complexes of Middle Volga region, the organization of environmental monitoring and the development of careful environmental management system

  • The most valuable for research are fragments preserved in the reserve steppe areas, found only in small outlier unplowed areas in the southern and south-western part of Samarskaya Luka, in the Zhiguli and Sengileevskaya mountains

  • These are the remains of the steppe vegetation that once covered much of the plateau reserve

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HISTORY STUDY OF STEPPE VEGETATION IN THE MIDDLE-VOLGA COMPLEX BIOSPHERE RESERVE 03.02.00 – общая биология численность актиномицетов, гетеротрофных бактерий и плесневых грибов, так как эти группы микроорганизмов обеспечивают самоочищающую способность почвы и участвуют в почвообразовательных процессах. Полученные результаты показывают характер влияния различных доз формальдегида и толуола на состав и функционирование комплекса микроорганизмов почвы, а также вскрывают механизм воздействия химических веществ (формальдегиды и толуола) на почвенную микробиоту, связанный с ее устойчивостью и проявлением токсикоза почвы.

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