
The present work was under taken to know the chemical properties of Murrah, Jaffarabadi, surti and Marathwadi buffalo milk under Satna region. In all 40 milk buffaloes were selected for collection of milk samples. The buffaloes were selected from Bhalla Dairy Farm Satna, work place of the study is Livestock Production and Management (Unit), Department of Natural resource management (NRM), Faculty of Agriculture, Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya, Chitrakoot – Satna (Madhya Pradesh). The individual animals was milked completely in milking pail carefully till last strips. Then milk was mixed well and after mixing samples were taken in sample bottles. As soon as samples collected, they were transferred to the laboratory of Department of NRM and kept in refrigerator till analysis is over. All tests were conducted within 5 to 6 hours. Samples were collected from month of March to May 2022. In all three samples from 10 selected Marathwadi buffalo breed. It is concluded that the physical properties of Marathwadi, Murrah, Jaffarabadi and Surti buffalo milk not differ significantly under the condition of Marathwada region in respect of it’s breed averages.

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