
Graphic arts is all about communicating effectively with words, images, illustrations, animation and video. It's about packaging messages to communicate an idea, evoke an emotion or grab attention. Graphic arts designers are increasingly working across all media and pioneering new media expressions in the increasingly interactive world. Even though the past 15 years have seen a major change in the graphic arts, the future will see an even more dramatic and rapid shift to a new communication paradigm. This change is being driven by the evolving shift in the economics of communication, by the increasing flexibility and expressive power of the medium, and by the proliferation of electronic communication. With all of these forces currently driving the graphic arts community, one thing is certain: the graphics advances going forward are totally dependent on technological advances. Embracing rapid technological change is a requirement for survival and success. Graphic design, with the help of advancing technology, will continue to explore and invent the ultimate in man-machine interfaces. The style of communication will evolve and change, just as fashion evolves and changes. There is no right answer, but instead, a constantly changing flow of creativity and fresh ideas.

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