
This report aims to present the research objectives and results of the implemented research project, CP 06 H70/2, on the topic:"Bulgarians in the Balkans abroad after 1878. The code of survival", implemented under the "Research Fund" of the Ministry of education and science (MES) of Bulgaria. The efforts of the scientific team are dictated by the need to carry out an up-to-date analysis of the history and present of the Bulgarian communities in the Balkans, which will reveal new directions of scientific knowledge about the existence of the diaspora in the modern environment.Characteristic of the official management elites of the Balkan countries, in which there is a Bulgarian diaspora, are the political and cultural nuances regarding the individual diasporas, including the Bulgarian one. the nuances. At the same time – and this is indicative, despite the presence of a number of negative approaches over the decades related to assimilation processes-the diaspora is distinguished by a "living" memory, and its bearers preserve their national identity.The study is also aimed at identifying contemporary threats of denationalization and ethnic melting. In this regard, the emphasis is also placed on the cultural heritage, the result of the centuries-old development of the communities, but also of the modern adhesions and original achievements, emblematic of Bulgarian roots and traditions, but also of the essential features of the modern Balkan cultural space of dialog and synthetic factors.The study is also aimed at identifying contemporary threats of denationalization and ethnic melting. In this regard, the emphasis is also placed on the cultural heritage, the result of the centuries-old development of the communities, but also of the modern adhesions and original achievements, emblematic of Bulgarian roots and traditions, but also of the essential features of the modern Balkan cultural space of dialog and synthetic factors. .For a more comprehensive treatment of the questions raised, it is necessary to use interdisciplinary scientific and research methods and approaches. This means to study both facts resulting from diachronic development-historical, political, literary, folkloric-everyday – but also to study and summarize those phenomena – demographic, economic-political, educational, etc.N. which today intensively form the profile of the diaspora.In this connection and the importance of dialogue and cooperation between all government institutions and agencies, as well as between non-governmental organizations, companies and companies engaged with the Bulgarian communities and their preservation in the Balkans.

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