
Emigration, understood under its seasonal, tempora ry pattern (i.e. the migration of workforce for a certain, shorter or longer period of time abr oad) has become a more and more typical phenomenon of the Romanian transition, especially in the last period (i.e. Europeanisation), strongly associated with th e opening of the so called 'European space'. Effects of migratio n are diverse both on macro- and micro-social level . In macro- social terms, such type of migration appears as a l ogical, sine qua non condition for the creation of a modern civilization, a dynamic pattern of the so called de veloped-underdeveloped states metabolism. However, the most visibly affected level is the micro-social, where e migration generates new types of families and leads to 'temporary abandoned' children towards whom specific societal perceptions are attached. Within the pre sent paper, based on available studies and their finding s, we aim to realize the short review of the micro- social, familial consequences of this type of migration, by focusing mostly on the case of children.

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