
This article explores the idea of using an already existing language learning app, Duolingo, to complement traditional university level courses of Spanish as second language. These types of apps use adaptive learning technologies, which are able to tailor the tasks to the level of each student. In the case of this study, Duolingo was used as part of the program of studies in two Spanish university courses, one a beginner’s Spanish course (level A1) and the other one an advanced intermediate course (B2). The students used the app online, either in its mobile version or in their web browser. The functionality of Duolingo, the kind of activities that can be undertaken, and how learning is achieved are described. Preliminary results suggest that Duolingo is an easy-to-use app, which is useful, and has learning potential, although its main modules are not based on communicative competence. It is usually enjoyed by students because of several features, such as its ease of access on a mobile device, its gamified aspect, and the variety of tasks available. Possible ways to incorporate Duolingo into foreign language courses are discussed, always considering it as a complement to the curriculum, but also considering its value to reinforce vocabulary and grammar acquisition through spaced repetition, interleaving of different skills and a variety of activities.


  • The aim of this study has been to see whether Duolingo can be used efficiently as part of a language course, with the idea that students can practice anywhere and anytime, in a manner adapted to their level and needs, so as to ideally complement and augment what is covered in class

  • Even though not that many students liked Duolingo better, if we combine the “Yes” answers with those of “The Same,” the percentage is 87.6%. This indicates to this researcher that, there were aspects they may not have liked about the app, they still thought it could be considered as valid as regular homework. The answers from this group as to why they liked it more are similar to the ones we saw for the other group (“Because it is easy to do on the go, and I honestly feel that it helps me remember the language well;” “it was easier to access and it kept me motivated to keep turning the circles gold;” “It was easy to complete and convenient that it was on my phone;” “Because it is easy to do on the go, and I honestly feel that it helps me remember the language well”.)

  • I have tried to see if adding Duolingo to a Spanish course can improve the course and can give students a new tool that they can use after the course is completed

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Aims of this study

The aim of this study has been to see whether Duolingo can be used efficiently as part of a language course, with the idea that students can practice anywhere and anytime, in a manner adapted to their level and needs, so as to ideally complement and augment what is covered in class. With this aim, the instructor wanted to answer these questions:. What are the students’ suggestions for improving the use of Duolingo as part of a Spanish course curriculum? Will Duolingo be useful even after the course is completed? What are the students’ suggestions for improving the use of Duolingo as part of a Spanish course curriculum?

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