
This paper presents the implementation of the boundary element method to shape sensitivity analysis of elastic structures with stress concentrators. An elastic body which contains a number of voids (internal boundaries), playing the role of stress concentrators, is considered. We are interested in calculating the first order sensitivity of shape–dependent functionals with respect to the shape variation of the body domain. This task is accomplished using the adjoint variable method. As it has been shown by Dems and Mróz [10], for a basic transformation (i.e. a translation, a rotation or a scale change) of the body, the sensitivity of the considered functional takes the form of a path-independent integral (PII) whose integrand depends on the primary and adjoint state fields, along an arbitrary path (curve in 2D, surface in 3D), enclosing the transformed stress concentrator (void). It is very important for numerical computations, because we can compute this integral along the path placed far from the stress concentrator to eliminate the negative influence of stress concentrations on the accuracy of calculations. The boundary element method (BEM) is used to solve both primary and adjoint problems. Some important cases of adjoint problems related to functionals are analyzed in the paper. A thorough numerical verification of the proposed method is performed in this work. The presented method of sensitivity analysis is utilised in gradient-based optimization and identification problems. Numerical examples of optimization and identification are shown in this paper.

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