
The 4th Annual Forum on Endocrine Disrupters organized by the European Commission brought together the authors of this article around the topic: “From bench to validated test guidelines: (pre)val­idation of test methods”. Validation activities are meant to demonstrate the relevance and reliability of methods and approaches used in regulatory safety testing. These activities are essential to facil­itate regulatory use, still they are largely underfunded and unattractive to the scientific community. In the last decade, large amounts of funding have been invested in European research towards the development of approaches that can be used in regulatory decision-making, including for the identification of endocrine disrupters. There is a vast pool of candidate test methods for potential reg­ulatory applications, but most of them will not be used due to the absence of consideration of their relevance and reliability outside the method developer’s laboratory. This article explains the reasons why such a gap exists between the outputs of research projects and the uptake in a regulatory context. In parallel, there are also increasing expectations from the regulatory science community that validation becomes more efficient with respect to time and resources. This article shares some of the lessons learned and proposes paths forward for validation of new methods that are not intended as one-to-one replacements of animal studies. This includes submitting only mature methods for validation that were developed following good practices and good documentation, proposing a greater emphasis on well-documented transferability studies, and adopting a cost-sharing model among those who benefit from validated methods.

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