
This study aims to describe the usefulness of enrichment books for Indonesian teachers. This research is a qualitative descriptive study because in its implementation it includes data, analysis and interpretation of the meanings and data obtained by methods as an effort to explore and understand the meaning that comes from social and humanitarian problems. The subjects of this study were seven Indonesian language teachers who taught in junior high school. Data collection techniques used are instruments in the form of open questionnaires. The variables studied were the usefulness of enrichment books for Indonesian language teachers in junior high school in literary appreciation learning with random samples. Qualitative data analysis techniques carried out together with the collection process include three concurrent activities, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusions (verification). The results of the study found that the usefulness of enrichment books to broaden insights, knowledge, skills and personalities was not yet felt by the teacher because of the lack of availability of enrichment books in schools and the lack of enrichment books in accordance with the material needed in literary appreciation learning. Teachers, researchers, experts, etc. are expected to be able to compile or write enrichment books according to the expected criteria and publish them better so that they are easily accessible to teachers so that the usefulness of enrichment books can be felt by teachers, especially Indonesian language teachers in literary appreciation learning.

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