
THE BASIC OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ELECTRONIC ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF THE SODIUM (3-OXO-3,4-DIHYDRO-2 H -[1,2,4]TRIAZINO[4,3- c ]QUINAZOLIN-4-YL)ACETATE О. V. Kryvoshey Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Zaporizhzhia Introduction. The rapid progress of organic chemistry challenges the electronic spectroscopy by problems of electronic state calculation, prediction and explanation of complex organic compound chemical properties. Presented work is aimed to the calculation of sodium (3-oxo-3,4-dihydro-2 Н -[1,2,4]triazino[4,3- c ]quinazolin-4-yl)acetic acid electronic spectrum for evaluation of “absorption spectrum – chemical structure” relationships. The values of integral intensity (А, l/mol cm 2 ) that were estimated characterize the total energy that were absorbed or emitted in the range of studied spectral band. The calculation of oscillator strength (f) allows to study of electron transitions, which caused by charges transition between two different molecules of donor-acceptor complexes. Moreover oscillator strength values are proving the absolute band intensity in electronic spectra. Transition matrix element (M ik ) characterizes as polarization so the reactivity of studied molecule. Investigation methods. Object of research: sodium (3-oxo-3,4-dihydro-2H-[1,2,4]triazino[4,3-c]quinazolin-4-yl)acetate. Reagents and Chemicals: 95% ethanol. All reagents and chemicals used were of analytical grade. Instrument: Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Germany, scanning spectrophotometer Optizen POP (Mecasys Co. Ltd., Korea). Results and discussion . For the purpose of evaluation of allowance and probability of electron transitions and determination of basic chromophore the following basic optical characteristics of electronic spectrum (solvent – 95% ethanol) were calculated: wave number ν max (cm -1 ), half-width of absorption band - Δν ½ (cm -1 ), integrated intensity of absorption band – А (l/mol cm 2 ), electron transition oscillator strength – f, matrix element of transition – M ik were calculated. Conclusions. It was found, that values of band half-width aΔν ½ and integral intensity А, transition oscillator strength – f, matrix element of transition – M ik are significant constants of organic compounds. Mentioned above constants may be used for identification of organic compounds and evaluation of in-depth “electronic spectrum – structure” relationships. The third absorption band with high values of А, f, was characteristic for studied compounds and as we considered the same structural fragment plays the role of pharmacophore and chromophore. All transitions of electrons, that cause the presence of absorption bands in registered electronic spectrum are allowed and were characterized by high probability. References Derzhavna Farmakopeja Ukrai'ny / Derzhavne pidpryjemstvo Naukovo-ekspertnyj farmakopejnyj centr. – 1-e vyd. – Kharkiv: RIREG, 2001. – 556. Anderson R. J. Organic Spectroscopic Analysis / R.J. Anderson, D.J. Bendell, P.W. Groundwater. – Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2004. – 175 p. Anslyn E. V. Modern Physical Organic Chemistry / E. V. Anslyn, D. A. Dougherty. – CA: University Science, 2006. — 1095 p. Biemont E. Spectroscopie moleculaire: Structures moleculaires et analyse spectrale / E. Biemont. – Bruxelles: De Boeck, 2008. – 428 p. Carey F. A. Advanced Organic Chemistry. Part A: Structure and Mechanisms / F. A. 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