
Female workers are one of the vulnerable groups during childbirth. The study is aimed at analyzing thebarrier to access health insurance for maternity care among female workers in Indonesia. The samplesemployed were female worker in childbearing age who had given birth in the last 5 years. The sample sizewas 18,061 female workers. The variables analyzed included health insurance, healthcare childbirth, type ofplace of residence, age, education, employment, marital, parity, wealth, know the danger signs of pregnancy,and antenatal care. Determination of determinant by the binary logistic regression. The research results showthat female workers who perform maternity care in non-healthcare facilities have 1,142 times the possibilityof having health insurance than female workers who perform maternity care in healthcare facilities. It wasfound that the younger you are, the more likely you are not to have health insurance. Meanwhile, the lowerthe education and the poorer the female worker, the higher the possibility of not having health insurance.Married female workers have 0.531 times the chance of having health insurance compared to divorced/widowed female workers. Finally, a female worker that doesn’t know the danger signs of pregnancy has1,076 times the chance of having health insurance than the richest female worker that knows the dangersigns of pregnancy. It was concluded that 7 barriers to access health insurance among female workers inIndonesia, namely doing maternity care in non-healthcare facilities, younger age, poor education, single(never in union/divorced/widowed), poor, and don’t know the danger signs of pregnancy

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