
In this article, the interpretation of the ballad „Meșterul Manole” found expression in an archetypal perspective, in correlation with the message of ideas, the legendary-historical significance and the sources of mythical inspiration. A symbol of the aspiration for the perfection of a work of art, the ballad is a masterpiece of universal inspiration, where the motive of human sacrifice in the service of a social, aesthetic, spiritual ideal becomes the essence of our millennial spirituality, is the artistic synthesis of a sacred space of values their fundamentals. One of the distinctive features of the ballad is the opening to new areas of mythical transcendence, orientation to some original images, with an ancient mythological substratum, prone to successive changes, to reveal new dimensions in the aesthetic perception of the world, in the context of serious meditations on life. and death, fulfillment, and sacrifice, about the perpetuation of the human spirit through creation.


  • Rezumat În articolul de faţă şi-a găsit expresie interpretarea baladei „Meşterul Manole” dintr-o perspectivă arhetipală, în corelaţie cu mesajul de idei al semnificaţiei legendaristorice şi al surselor de inspiraţie mitică

  • A symbol of the aspiration for the perfection of a work of art, the ballad is a masterpiece of universal inspiration, where the motive of human sacrifice in the service of a social, aesthetic, spiritual ideal becomes the essence of our millennial spirituality, is the artistic synthesis of a sacred space of values their fundamentals

  • One of the distinctive features of the ballad is the opening to new areas of mythical transcendence, orientation to some original images, with an ancient mythological substratum, prone to successive changes, to reveal new dimensions in the aesthetic perception of the world, in the context of serious meditations on life. and death, fulfillment, and sacrifice, about the perpetuation of the human spirit through creation

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Rezumat În articolul de faţă şi-a găsit expresie interpretarea baladei „Meşterul Manole” dintr-o perspectivă arhetipală, în corelaţie cu mesajul de idei al semnificaţiei legendaristorice şi al surselor de inspiraţie mitică. Balada „Meşterul Manole”, una din cele mai reprezentative scrieri din patrimoniul nostru folcloric, dezvăluie destinul creatorului de frumos, „reprezintă o sinteză şi un simbol al unui destin artistic, o proiecţie într-un spaţiu spiritual mitic, a unei existenţe care s-a identificat cu frumosul şi s-a devotat creaţiei”

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