
The aim of fashion design education is to teach creativity to students by means of gaining relevant knowledge, skill and attitudes. For this purpose, teachers can follow various teaching strategies in different courses. One of the instructional strategies developed to teach creativity in studio courses, which are the main courses of the fashion design education program, is to request from students to develop solutions for different design problems using various inspiration sources. In this process, which is based on creative practice-based research, students can design products by employing many different sources of inspiration. One of these inspiration sources is the art works which are also the result of a creative effort. In this context, the main aim of this research is to examine the contribution of using art works as a source of inspiration for the development of students' creativity in the Fashion Design I course which is one of the studio courses of fashion design program and to interpret from design samples. For this purpose, different ways students use to turn a creative work that they are inspired from into new clothes are determined. The research method is qualitative according to the problem and the path followed in solving this problem. The criterion sampling method was used to determine the research sample. To obtain the research data semi-structured interviews were conducted with students. Keywords: fashion design, art works, inspiration sources, studio course

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