
This preliminary study aims to investigate the awareness of the adoption of cloud computing among the academicians in tertiary education in Malaysia. Besides, this study also want to explore the possible challenges faced by the academician while adopting this new technology. The pilot study was done on 40 lecturers in Universiti Teknologi MARA Kampus Kota Bharu (UiTMKB) by using self administered questionnaire. The results found that almost half (40 percent) were not aware on the existing of cloud computing in teaching and learning (T&L) process. The challenges confronting the adoption of cloud computing are data insecurity, data insecurity, unsolicited advertisement, lock-in, reluctance to eliminate staff positions, privacy concerns, reliability challenge, regulatory compliance concerns/user control and institutional culture/resistance to change in technology. This possible challenges can be factorized in two major factors which were security and dependency factor and user control and mentality factor.

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