
It is often claimed that the ultra-slow-roll regime of inflation, where the dynamics of the inflaton field are friction dominated, is a non-attractor and/or transient. In this work we carry out a phase-space analysis of ultra-slow roll in an arbitrary potential, V(ϕ). We show that while standard slow roll is always a dynamical attractor whenever it is a self-consistent approximation, ultra-slow roll is stable for an inflaton field rolling down a convex potential with MPl V′′>|V′| (or for a field rolling up a concave potential with MPl V′′<−|V′|). In particular, when approaching a flat inflection point, ultra-slow roll is always stable and a large number of \\efolds may be realised in this regime. However, in ultra-slow roll, ϕ̇ is not a unique function of ϕ as it is in slow roll and dependence on initial conditions is retained. We confirm our analytical results with numerical examples.

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