
Background: With a shift in geographical focus to include the Pacific rim, and with the Journal's scope now broadened to embrace cardiology, the Editorial Board of the APHJ wished to obtain the views of the wider readership on the Journal format and style. Aim: To determine the views of readers in the evolving process of structuring the Journal and to stimulate discussion about the future role of the APHJ. Method. Subscribers were asked anonymously by questionnaire for their views on the subjects and styles of articles currently published by the Journal. Results: One-hundred and two replies were received (a response rate of 15%). The main subjects of interest were, in order of importance: cardiology, cardiac surgery, thoracic surgery and basic research, these being a reflection of the professional interests of the responders. Cardiologists were interested primarily in articles on general clinical cardiology, followed by interventional cardiology and clinical research. Cardiothoracic surgeons showed an overwhelming primary interest in cardiac surgery, followed by thoracic surgery and clinical research, a reflection of the higher response rate from cardiac compared with thoracic surgeons. Interests in basic research were in physiology, followed by atherosclerosis, pharmacology and molecular biology. Conclusion: The most popular styles of articles for all disciplines were reviews by experts, followed by original research papers and scientific editorials. These, in turn, were more highly favoured than professional editorials, how-to-do-it articles and case reports. The Editorial Board has taken heed of these views and is now using this information in setting the Journal style for the future.

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