
What can be more challenging and rewarding than contributing knowledge or developing plans for the management of British Columbia’s natural resources? How can you consider and manage for achieving objectives at various scales and for different values? How can managers combine what they learn from the latest science and indigenous knowledge with the tools and knowledge acquired through years of experience? Why is it important to consider both art and science in developing sustainable resource management plans? How can scientists best contribute their knowledge to sustainability solutions?Forrex, in partnership with the Forest Investment Account–Forest Science Program (fia–fsp), hosted this Science Forum to support exploration of the art and science of sustainable forest management planning. The Forum aimed to:• increase awareness of the challenges, the art, and thescience of sustainable forest management planning;• increase awareness of current projects and initiativesthat are contributing knowledge to improve scienceand knowledge-based resource managementplanning; and• stimulate dialogue between resource professionalsengaged in science and resource managementplanning.Forrex and fia–fsp appreciate the contributions of presenters and registrants, of session Chairs, and of the Forum organizing committee. We are pleased to present the following package of Popular Summaries from some of the presentations and posters as an enduring record of the Forum’s dialogue. Due to certain constraints, not all summaries are presented here. We encourage readers to contact authors of those presentations for more information.

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