
The paper deals with the features of substrate and biotopic distribution of fungi species of the Polyporus s.l. genus in the southeast of Western Siberia. Most species have a wide range of substrates represented by various species of woody plants. The most widespread and common species are able to develop a wide range of substrates. Rare species are distinguished by a narrow substrate spectrum. For a rare species P . rhizophilus, adapted to exist in the conditions of subarid regions, found only in steppe biome communities, steppe grasses (Stipa , Festuca) are the only substrate. Most species grow on deciduous wood, only some species can grow on conifers, and only the taiga species P. tubaeformis develops exclusively on conifers in mountainous regions. Fungi substrates are represented by 11 species of angiosperms, 3 species of gymnosperms and steppe grasses. Most species are common in numerous communities; all of them are characterized by a high frequency of occurrence and colonize a wide range of substrates. Biotopically narrowly specialized species are few in number; they are characterized by narrow substrate specialization. In anthropogenic habitats, 6 species out of 14 growing in natural communities were recorded. On the plain territory, 10 species of the genus Polyporus were identified, while 14 species were found in mountain systems, since mountain humid areas contain the largest spectrum of substrates for fungi. The greatest diversity of Polyporus species is recorded in dark coniferous forests, among which the number of species is dominated by black aspen-fir forests. With an increase in aridization and a change in plant communities, rare relict mountain taiga, nemoral and typical taiga species are eliminated. The smallest number of Polyporus species is found in the steppe communities of subarid regions.



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Общая биология

Борисова Е.А., Курганов А.А., Лазарева О.Г., Марков Д.С. Биоразнообразие особо охраняемой природной территории Ивановской области. Дополнения к флоре мхов Ивановской области // Бюллетень МОИП. Новые и редкие виды растений Ивановской области // Ботанический журнал. Сведения о нахождении новых и редких видов в Ивановской области // Бюллетень МОИП. Экспансии видов во флору Владимирской области в последнее десятилетие // Ботанический журнал. Borisova Elena Anatolyevna, doctor of biological sciences, professor, head of General Biology and Physiology Department. Kurganov Anton Aleksandrovich, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of General Biology and Physiology Department Lazareva Olga Germanovna, head of Training Laboratory of General Biology and Physiology Department. Ivanovo State University (Ivanovo, Russian Federation) Markov Dmitriy Sergeevich, candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor of History, Geography and Ecology Department Shuya Branch of Ivanovo State University (Shuya, Ivanovo Region, Russian Federation)

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