
Ponte Academic JournalApr 2016, Volume 72, Issue 4 The Argumentative Writing Skill with Multicultural Awareness in Indonesian Language for Foreign LearnersAuthor(s): Kundharu SaddhonoJ. Ponte - Apr 2016 - Volume 72 - Issue 4 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2016.4.30 Abstract:Goals in this research are improving the quality and the skills of learning to write The Argumentative Writing Skill with Multicultural Awareness In Indonesian Language for Foreign Learners at Sebelas Maret University. This research conducted in the form of classroom action research. The research is the result of collaboration between researchers and teachers to improve the quality of learning. There are three data sources used as the object of data collection and information in this research. Those data sources are informant, event, and document. Technique in collecting the data used as the tools to gather the data in relation with the problem being investigated are observation, interview, tests, analysis of documents. The analysis technique used to analyze the data that has been collected is a comparative descriptive analysis techniques and critical analysis techniques. Analysis of data by comparing the test scores among cycles with predefined indicators work. The result of research showed that, the application of cooperative learning model in enhancing the argumentative writing skill with multicultural awareness in Indonesian language for foreign learners able to increase the quality process of learning to write argumentation multicultural perspective. This study also can improve the writing skills of multicultural-minded argumentations, at pre-action, the cycleI , the cycle II, and the cycle III. Download full text:Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution Username Password

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