
This article describes one of the methods for studying the lexical and semantic composition of the language. This method allows determining the number of linguistic units, their frequency and classifes them by proceeding from the basic types of semantic relations. Statistical and semantic analysis of a language enables us to determine the relationship between the original and borrowed parts of the vocabulary of the language. A part of the vocabulary of the Uzbek language, which consisted of Arabic and Persian words in the period of the 30-90s, was replaced by Russian-international borrowings. This article is devoted to the coverage of the method of linguisticstatistical analysis of borrowed Arabic words used in the education system of Uzbekistan. Besides, we conducted their statistical analysis. We have extracted Arabic words – Nouns used in education from the dictionary of the Uzbek language. Also, compound verbs were extracted, one of the components of which is borrowed from the Arabic language. We have examined 397 lexical units used in the feld of education borrowed from the Arabic language. We have studied them in terms of their frequency. We have made a statistical analysis based on the dictionary of the Uzbek language and regulatory documents on education. The reasons for the frequent use of Arabic lexemes in education determined. We divided borrowings from the Arabic language into groups according to their semantic and lexical characteristics

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